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- eLTER PLUS Data Call for Trans-national Access (TA) -> 'Call for ecosystem and biodiversity data' to be conducted at Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum in Germany.
Project: Impact assessment of burrowing crayfish across a gradient of land uses in the Rhine Main Observatory (IMBUCRAY).
Funded by: H2020, GA-Nr.871128. €XXX
- Conference Grant to attend and present an oral communication at 12th Symposium for European Sciences (SEFS) meeting in Dublin, Ireland (25-30 July 2021).
Funded by: Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) €160
- Granted Call -> 10th edition of the grant for research projects led by young researchers - 'Gaining Independence'.
Project: Non‐native crayfish species as potential vectors of chytridiomycosis
Funded by: Ecological Asociation of Terrerstrial Ecology (AEET). €2,500
- Conference Grant to attend and present an oral communication at the XX Congress of Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) in Murcia, Spain (26-29 October 2020).
Funded by: Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) €85
- Prize -> Prémio Fluviário Jovem Cientista do ano 2019.
Awarded Paper: Oficialdegui FJ; et al. (2019). Unravelling the global invasion routes of a worldwide invader, the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Freshw. Biol., 64(8):1382-1400.
Funded by: Fluviário de Mora, Portugal. €1000
- Prize -> Etoimagen. PDF
Awarded Photo: Protección bajo tierra
Funded by: Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology (SEEEE). €XXX
- Research stay -> WIMEK Research Fellowship Call 2016. Research stay (4 months) at Wageningen University (WU)
Funded by: Wageningen University and Research (WUR) €4800
- Grants for PhD students from EDUPO doctoral programs
Funded by: Pablo Olavide University (UPO) €195.95
Prizes and Granted Calls
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