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Once upon a time...

Tender Childhood
I was born and grew up in Zaragoza (Spain). Since I was a child, I'm really keen on animals, environment and nature, in general. Whenever I could, I went to my village to run away from urban area and to be closer to nature. It was there where I enjoyed watching birds, collecting and breeding any kind of animals or, merely, going out for a walk. I loved to go hiking and cycling along singular paths together with my friends. Surely, for these reasons and many others, since I was 14 years old, I already knew that my passion was to study Biology. So, I finished my high school at Colegio Teresiano del Pilar and I decided to study Biology at University of Salamanca. In that way, I might be able to respond many questions, which I wondered, but also, thinking about new ones.
University (2015-2010)
Great period. Going at University means a lot of changes for one's self, at least, this supposed for me. I think this opens your mind because you become emancipated, have to learn about how to be getting on with any situation, definetely, you mature enough, or maybe not :). Nice memories, awesome adventures and funny moments still remain in my mind since then, as well as a lot of good friends. Those kind of memories of which are spoken in each next meeting together. Moreover, you have the opportunity of learning much more about the topics that attract you, acquiring a constant knowledge. Besides of many lessons in fieldwork (I think that the best way to learn is to observe the theory as examples), I also did an intership at Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro during summer of fourth year, in which, I envolved myself in a socio-economical study about the devastating invasion of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in Ebro Basin. I was aware of the detrimental effects of invasive species. This already aroused my curiosity. However, everything has an end and after spending five wonderful years, I was graduated as Licenciado en Biología Ambiental y de Sistemas by University of Salamanca.
All roads lead to Rome (2011)
The next year, my idea was to sign up for a master, nevertheless, I obtained a European fellowship (LPP/Leonardo da vinci) and I opted to do an intership in a wildlife recovery center (LIPU) in Rome, Italy. There, I was learning about how to treat wildlife animals (mainly birds) to return back to its natural habitat. Moreover and perhaps the most noteworthy thing, I was aware of all environmental, ecological and social issues that surround us, as far as nature is concerned. During that year, I also attended some courses and took part of several birdwatching and ringing projects, in which, I knew fascinating people that fight every each day for getting better this situation. 
Master Degree (2012 - 2014)
When I returned back to Spain, my wish was to continue with my studies. And, what better place to do it than in Seville, near Doñana National Park. Then, I studied the master degree of Evolutionary Biology at University of Seville, carrying on my master thesis at Doñana Biological Station supervised by David Serrano. My master thesis focused on whether the size of a depigmented secondary sexual trait in stonechat (Saxicola torquata rubicola) is consistent despite its dynamism because of plumage molt throughout the years. An attractive topic about how secondary sexual characters play an important role as genetic quality indicators of individuals.
At present
After defending my master thesis, I wanted to go ahead and do my phD. Finally, I found a fascinating project that mostly accomplished all of my interests and here I am. In the beginning of 2016, I started my phD thesis about invasion of red swamp crayfish supervised by Marta Sanchez (P.I), Luz Boyero and Miguel Clavero. Project funded by Andalusia goverment.
More details about my thesis, please, click here.
Photo by Emilio Oficialdegui

The Science & 

Mathematics University

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